AE Adverse events
BSS Body System Score
CBSS Constitutional Body System Score
CES-D Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
CIC Clinically important change
CLDQ-HCV Chronic Liver Disease Questionnaire – Hepatitis C Version
EQ-5D-5L EuroQol 5-Dimension 5-Level Questionnaire
FSS Fatigue Severity Scale
GBSS Gastrointestinal Body System Score
HCV Hepatitis C virus
HCV-SIQv4 Hepatitis C Symptom and Impact Questionnaire version 4
HRQoL Health-related quality of life
IBSS Integumentary Body System Score
ICC Intraclass correlation coefficient
IS Injection site
ISBSS Injection Site Body System Score
ITT Intent-to-treat
NBSS Neurocognitive Body System Score
OBSS Overall Body System Score
PBSS Psychiatric Body System Score
PGI-C Patient Global Impression of Change
PRO Patient Reported Outcomes
SAS Statistical Analysis System
SVR12 Sustained Virologic Response at Follow-up Week 12
TSS Total Symptom Score
VAS Visual Analogue Scale