Dimension Feedback (Reviewer) Modification
Assistance All HS: Dependence is a significant HRQoL impact (individual living with LOPD/HCP)
HS2: Need help with something most days (individual living with LOPD)
HS4: Could not live independently (individual living with LOPD).
HS5: Depend on others for self-care (HCP)
A statement on dependence on others for help was added to all health states

Frequency was varied by health state following feedback from individuals living with LOPD
Walking and stairs HS3: Less severe walking problems (individual living with LOPD)
HS4: Conflicting feedback (individuals living with LOPD)
Severity of walking problems reduced in HS3 and HS4 from trial data draft using feedback from individuals living with LOPD
Balance HS2: Balance gradually gets worse (HCP), and a patient often fell, so avoided walking (individual living with LOPD)
HS4: Falling biggest HRQoL impact currently (individual living with LOPD)
A statement on balance problems and fear of falling was added to all health states except wheelchair-dependent ones (HS5, HS6, HS7)

Severity varied by health state
Reaching HS3: Mixed ability (individual living with LOPD)
HS5: Very difficult (HCP)
HS6 (individual living with LOPD) and HS7 (HCP): Unable to reach above their head
Severity increased to “unable to” following feedback from someone living with LOPD (HS6) and HCPs (HS7)
Self-care HS3: Some or mild difficulties (individual living with LOPD)
HS5 and HS6: Severe difficulties with self-care and need assistance (individual living with LOPD /HCP)
Severity of self-care impact reduced in HS3 and increased in HS5 and HS6
Showering HS5: Need to be transferred from wheelchair to shower (individual living with LOPD and HCP) Ability to shower separated from main self-care statement to highlight differences between health states

Inclusion of detail about needing a wheelchair adapted bathroom and hoist in wheelchair-dependent health states
Bladder control HS2: Mixed feedback (individual living with LOPD)
HS4: Have bladder control problems (individual living with LOPD/ HCP)
A statement on bladder control problems added to all health states

Severity varied by health state
Eating HS2: Occasional difficulties preparing a meal (individual living with LOPD)
HS5: Conflict between able (HCP) and unable to prepare a meal (individual living with LOPD).
HS4 and HS6: Difficulties eating, sensation of choking, some difficulties swallowing (individual living with LOPD/HCP)
HS7: Swallowing difficulties and eating becomes a chore (HCP)
In HS2 and HS5, difficulties preparing a meal were added

In HS4 and HS6, difficulties eating were added
Usual activities HS1: Slight difficulties but typically still in full-time employment (HCP)
HS2: Moderate difficulties, couldn’t pick up dropped things (individual living with LOPD)
HS3: Wide range of impact severity (individual living with LOPD)
HS5: Can work/study but not do chores (individual living with LOPD)
Severity decreased from unable to do chores to able but with moderate difficulties in HS2, HS3, HS4

In HS5, overall statement severity reduced but inability to do chores maintained
Pain and discomfort HS1: Slight to moderate pain (individuals living with LOPD /HCP)
HS3: Range of impact severity (individuals living with LOPD)
Severity was reduced in HS3 and HS4
Frustration, anxiety,
and depression
All HS: Depression linked to chronic nature of condition and frustration common (HCP)
HS2: Very frustrated (individuals living with LOPD)
HS3: Not generally anxious just about, eg, going out (individual living with LOPD)
HS5: Anxiety, depression and frustration reported (individual living with LOPD)
Frustration added to all health states following feedback from an HCP and individuals living with LOPD

Severity of anxiety and depression was reduced in HS3 and increased in HS5
Sleep and fatigue HS1: Mild fatigue (HCP)
HS2: Nearly always fatigued, sometimes sleeps during day (individual living with LOPD)
HS3, HS4, and HS6: Sleep disturbance depending on ventilator adjustment (individual living with LOPD/HCP)
Frequency of fatigue reduced in HS1

Sleep disturbance added to intermittent ventilatory support health states (HS3, HS4, HS6)
Socializing HS1: Mild physical limitation socializing only (HCP)
HS3 and HS4: Need to plan (individual living with LOPD)
HS6: Feel different from others and difficulty socializing (individuals living with LOPD)
Problems socializing removed from HS1

Some difficulties added to HS3 and HS4
Sport All HS: Different personal definitions of “sport” when evaluating ability (individual living with LOPD) Feedback from individuals living with LOPD on ability to do sport not comparable, so the statement was removed from all health states