Severe (1) Moderate (2) Mild (3) Severe vs Mild Moderate vs Mild Severe vs Moderate
Cost Categorya n Adjusted Mean Cost SE n Adjusted Mean Cost SE n Adjusted Mean Cost SE Δ 1-3 P Value (1-3) Δ 2-3 P Value (2-3) Δ 1-2 P Value (1-2)
Care partner (employee), study period: Indirect costs
Absence costs (sick leave) 59 $611 $130 160 $286 $45 107 $485 $76 $126 .4028 −$198 .0248 $324 .0185
Short term disability costs 136 $370 $147 327 $275 $61 216 $308 $109 $62 .7359 −$33 .7913 $95 .5519
Long term disability costs 94 $3 $6 281 $3 $6 178 $2 $3 $2 .8077 $1 .8863 $1 .9399
Workers’ compensation costs 150 $231 $110 388 $378 $112 271 $473 $187 −$242 .2658 −$95 .6648 −$147 .3486
Care partner (employee), study period: Likelihood of having indirect costs
Likelihood of having absence (sick leave) costs 59 33% 6.10% 160 23% 3.30% 107 34% 4.60% −0.60% .9381 −10.70% .0586 10.10% .1475
Likelihood of having short- term disability costs 136 5% 1.80% 327 6% 1.30% 216 4% 1.30% 0.90% .6734 2.40% .1984 −1.40% .5204
Likelihood of having long-term disability costs 94 0% 0.60% 281 0% 0.20% 178 0% 0.30% 0.10% .8313 0.10% .7343 0.30% .6636
Likelihood of having workers’ compensation costs 150 3% 1.40% 388 3% 0.90% 271 2% 0.90% 0.60% .7200 0.60% .6205 0.00% .9853
Care partner (employee), study period: Indirect costs (given costs >$0)
Absence (sick leave) costs 25 $1845 $299 55 $1245 $136 45 $1438 $174 $406 .2395 −$194 .3794 $600 .0674
Short-term disability costs 9 $7997 $2363 27 $4541 $775 12 $8347 $2136 −$350 .9124 −$3806 .0939 $3456 .1646
Long-term disability costs 2 $974 $110 2 $3820 $432 2 $887 $100 $88 .5562 $2934 <.0001 -$2846 <.0001
Workers’ compensation costs 7 $7600 $4471 17 $12 333 $4655 9 $19 438 $10 083 -$11 838 .2832 −$7105 .5223 -$4732 <.0001