Metric ETHOS-Eligible Population Expanded ETHOS-Eligible Population
Average (5th-⁠95th
% of Total,
Average (5th-⁠95
Average (5th-⁠95th
% of Total, Average
(5th-⁠95th Percentile)
Cumulative years of life extended (millions) 0.983 (0.700, 1.355) 4.8 (3.4, 6.6) 2.976 (2.564, 3.485) 5.1 (4.4, 5.9)
Severe exacerbations avoided per year per patient 0.039 (0.032, 0.046) 14.9 (12.3, 17.7) 0.042 (0.039, 0.046) 15.3 (14.1, 16.6)
Moderate exacerbations avoided per year per patient 0.159 (0.145, 0.173) 15.4 (14.0, 16.8) 0.164 (0.157, 0.172) 15.7 (14.9, 16.3)
All-cause mortality reduction, % 1.0 (0.7, 1.4) 25.5 (18.2, 35.5) 1.0 (0.9, 1.2) 20.7 (17.8, 24.3)
Years of life added per patient 2.22 (0.74, 4.08) 14.3 (4.8, 26.2) 1.72 (1.12, 2.36) 10.3 (6.7, 14.2)
No. needed to treata 8 (21, 4) n/a 10 (15, 8) n/a