Base Case Source
Time horizon Lifetime
Discount rate 4% Perelman et al[@161316]
Payer perspective NHS of Portugal
Willingness-to-pay threshold €30 000 Perelman et al,[@161316] NICE[@161333]
Population dataa
Starting age, y 69.37 Timóteo et al,[@161342] Santos et al[@161343]
Male, % 61.8 Timóteo et al,[@161342] Santos et al[@161343]
Smokers, % 17.4 Timóteo et al,[@161342] Santos et al[@161343]
Diabetes, % 27.8 Timóteo et al,[@161342] Santos et al[@161343]
Atrial fibrillation, % 13.2 Timóteo et al,[@161342] Santos et al[@161343]
Left ventricular hypertrophy, % 6.2 Assumed equal to HF % from Castellano et al,[@161297] Santos et al[@161343]
Systolic blood pressure, mm Hg 145.1 Ferreira,[@161344] Heuschmann et al[@161345]
Total cholesterol, mg/dL 190.8 Ferreira,[@161344] Heuschmann et al[@161345]
HDL-cholesterol, mg/dL 45.2 Ferreira,[@161344] Heuschmann et al[@161345]
hs-CRP, mg/dL 2.2 Dorresteijn et al[@161319]
eGFR, ml/min/1.73m2 74.3 Timóteo et al,[@161346] Dorresteijn et al[@161319]
History of abdominal aortic aneurysm, % 2.1 Castro-Ferreira et al[@161347]
History of peripheral arterial disease, % 3.2 Timóteo et al[@161348] Santos et al[@161343]
Polypill effectiveness
SBP reduction, mm Hg 1.80 NEPTUNO, cohort 2[@161337]
TC reduction, mg/dL 5.28 NEPTUNO, cohort 2[@161337]
HDL-c increment, mg/dL 4.01 NEPTUNO, cohort 2[@161337]
Health utilities
Chronic CHD 0.84 Ara et a[@161329]
Chronic stroke 0.69 Ara et a[@161329]
Acute CHD 0.76 Ara et a[@161329]
Acute stroke 0.63 Ara et al[@161329]
Death 0.00 Assumption
Drug costs (€)
Annual reimbursement cost—polypillb 84.62 Calculated based on Infarmed drug database
Annual reimbursement cost—monotherapies 63.44 Calculated based on Infarmed drug database
CV event management costs (€)
Cost of acute CV event (nonfatal) 4560.1 Costa et al[@161327]
Cost of acute CV event (fatal) 3153.5 Silva Miguel and Ferreira[@161328]
Cost of acute stroke (nonfatal) 8653.3 Costa et al[@161327]
Cost of acute stroke (fatal) 6381.2 Costa et al[@161327]
Annual cost post-CV event 643.3 Costa et al[@161327]
Annual cost post-stroke 534.8 Costa et al[@161327]
SMART 10-y CV risk
S0(t=10), adjusted to the cycle length assuming a constant rate over the 1 y and lifetime periods 0.8107 Dorresteijn et al[@161319]