Author (Year) Country Healthcare Costs
Maia Diniz et al (2017)[@147069] Brazil Mean (SD) annual cost per patient with MS 0-17 y (USD): 12 295.33 (4001.04)
Lavery et al (2016)[@147063] US Mean, median (SD) cost for an encounter (USD) per patient with MS: 38 543, 24 672 (54 935)
Wright et al (2017)[@147066] US Total costs (USD) among patients with MS <18 y
    All settings: 1 511 828
    Outpatient: 1 256 969
    Inpatient: 204 708
    Emergency: 50 151
Mean per-patient costs (USD)
    All settings: 26 523
    Outpatient: 22 052
    Inpatient: 3591
    Emergency: 880
Mean per encounter costs (USD)
    All settings: 1017
    Outpatient: 970
    Inpatient: 2924
    Emergency: 418
Brenton et al (2019)[@147071] US 58% of sample (patients and controls) reported private insurance
Ross et al (2010)[@147072] US Insurance (%) among patients with MS <18 y
    Private: 67
    Medicaid: 26
    None: 7