Asthma COPD
Epidemiological Parameters
Prevalence, %[@85952] 6.05 1.93
Population of England, n[@85969] 56 287 000 56 287 000
Concomitant asthma and COPD diagnosis, %[@85970] 14.8
Adjusted prevalence for ACOS, % 5.15 1.93
Population Estimates
Patients in England, n 3 405 364 1 086 339
Patients in a 50 000 population PCN, n 3025 965
ACOS adjusted patient numbers for England, n 2 901 370 1 086 339
ACOS adjusted patient numbers per 50 000 patients, n 2577 965
Inhaler Usage Parameters[@85971]
pMDIs only, % 71 39
pMDIs only in England, n 2 069 796 425 498
pMDIs only per 50 000 patients, n 1839 378
pMDIs and DPIs, % 3 16
pMDIs and DPIs in England, n 75 002 173 658
pMDIs and DPIs per 50 000 patients, n 67 154